More than PLN 1.8 billion will be allocated in 2023 to standardize the employment of psychologists, educators, speech therapists, pedagogical therapists and special educators in mainstream schools, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki announced during a press conference at the School and...
“This year has started with very good news for us. This is what we have been striving for for many years. The Ministry of Health has lifted restrictions on the duration of biological therapy. Until now, patients with ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease could receive treatment for one or two...
– This year will go down in the history of Polish diabetology as a breakthrough year. Lots of good things happened. We are experiencing a revolution when it comes to the concept of treatment and access to new drugs. From May to September, the Ministry of Health made decisions extending the...
Legal changes in maternity leave for mothers of premature babies.
Zdrowie publiczne stoi w tej chwili przed wieloma wyzwaniami, takimi jak starzejące się społeczeństwo czy zmiany demograficzne. Trzeba wprowadzać zmiany terapeutyczne, a także wdrażać nowe rozwiązania technologiczne i procesowe – mówi dr inż. Agnieszka Sznyk z Instytutu Innovo. Właśnie te kwestie...
For an assessment of the situation in the health care system at the end of 2023, we asked Prof. Alicja Chybicka, an MP from the Civic Coalition who sits on the Parliamentary Health Committee.
What did the medical world live in 2023? We look at what the most relevant information brought in the months of October through December.
Interview with Prof. Marek Rękas, national consultant for ophthalmology
What did the medical world live in 2023? We look at what the most relevant information brought in the months of July through September.
An interview with Prof. Jaroslaw Slawek, head of the Neurology and Stroke Unit at St. Adalbert Hospital in Gdansk.
What did the medical world live in 2023? We check out what the most relevant information brought in the months from April to June.
What did the medical world live in 2023? We check what the most relevant information brought in the months of January through March.
An interview with Renata Kaznowska, Deputy Mayor of the City of Warsaw.
An interview with Prof. Grzegorz W. Basak of the Department of Hematology, Transplantology and Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Warsaw Medical University.
O podsumowanie mijającego roku i wyzwania w nadchodzącym poprosiliśmy prof. Macieja Kupczyka, prezydenta Polskiego Towarzystwa Alergologicznego (Klinika Chorób Wewnętrznych, Astmy i Alergii UM w Łodzi).
Deputy Health Minister Maciej Miłkowski sums up the past year.
We talk about the difficult art of doctor-patient communication with Professor Ryszard Gellert, director of the Medical Center for Postgraduate Education.
An interview with MP Rajmund Miller, deputy chairman of the Parliamentary Health Committee.
An interview with Krystyna Stachowska, Vice Mayor of Rzeszow, conducted during the Public Health Congress.
- An intensive year is behind us (...) In the next one we hope for good cooperation with the Ministry of Health, so that the problems of nurses and midwives are solved through dialogue," says Andrzej Tytuła, vice president of the Supreme Council of Nurses and Midwives.
Patients finally got the most important thing - the attention of the public and authorities. It has reached the public consciousness that kidney disease is like cancer - just as common, just as dangerous, but at the same time easily treatable," says Professor Ryszard Gellert, director of CMKP.
An interview with Prof. Mark Rękas, national consultant for ophthalmology.
We talk to Elżbieta Piotrowska-Rutkowska, president of the Supreme Pharmaceutical Chamber, about how pharmacists view 2023 and what challenges 2024 will bring for them.
A year ago, the Law on Laboratory Medicine came into force. The passing year also marked Monika Pintal-Slimak's first year as president of the National Council of Laboratory Diagnosticians.
Professor Piotr Galecki, national consultant in psychiatry, talks about the most important developments and challenges in the coming year.
We discuss the treatment of severe asthma with Prof. Maciej Kupczyk, president of the Polish Society of Allergology (Department of Internal Medicine, Asthma and Allergy, Medical University of Lodz).
The co-author of the report "Report B.44. Treatment of Patients with Severe Asthma," Dr. n. econ. speaks about the cost of treating severe asthma. Michal Seweryn.
The Informatics Department of the Supreme Chamber of Physicians has completed work on the system for the new electronic Professional License. Like other documents, the PWZ is also to be seen in the mCitizen application. The only step doctors are currently waiting for is the finalization of the...
An interview with Agnieszka Leszczynska, president of Angelini Pharma Poland.
Today on "Wyszło na Zdrowie" we host dentist Dr. Anna Wesołowska. Among other things, we ask why we are a toothless nation and what dental tourism to Turkey can end up with. Be sure to watch!
Is it too late to urge Poles to get the flu vaccination? The patient's path to this vaccination is complicated. We will talk about all sorts of organizational barriers that make the level of implantation in Poland leave much to be desired.
As previously announced, Izabela Leszczyna will take over as Health Minister in Donald Tusk's government. We asked people involved in health care for advice for the future head of the health ministry.
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