More than PLN 1.8 billion will be allocated in 2023 to standardize the employment of psychologists, educators, speech therapists, pedagogical therapists and special educators in mainstream schools, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki announced during a press conference at the School and...
“This year has started with very good news for us. This is what we have been striving for for many years. The Ministry of Health has lifted restrictions on the duration of biological therapy. Until now, patients with ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease could receive treatment for one or two...
– This year will go down in the history of Polish diabetology as a breakthrough year. Lots of good things happened. We are experiencing a revolution when it comes to the concept of treatment and access to new drugs. From May to September, the Ministry of Health made decisions extending the...
Election of the Presidium of the Commission.
How to recognize that a child is being abused, who the perpetrators are, what their mechanism of action is, how a parent should react - this is what Justyna Kotowska, psychologist, psychotherapist, deputy chairman of the commission against sexual abuse of minors under 15, talks about.
– Profilaktyka to męska sprawa, dlatego weź na warsztat swoje zdrowie — apeluje Filip Nowak, prezes Narodowego Funduszu Zdrowia i zachęca mężczyzn do korzystania z programu Profilaktyka 40 Plus. W pakiecie badań jest PSA, pozwalające na wczesne wykrycie raka prostaty.
Stańczyk has disappeared from a Jan Matejko painting. He is making his way through Warsaw to take advantage of preventive examinations. This is how the plot of the spot, which was created as part of the Day at the U campaign organized by the Rak'n'roll Foundation, can be summarized. Famous people...
What do the Poles who live the longest, healthiest and happiest lives eat? Robert Lipka, a cultural anthropologist, discusses this in the latest episode of "Out to Health."
There is no doubt that movement is a drug. Can it be overdone? Who should not run and why? What do rehabilitation specialists think about it? In the next episode of Wyszło na Zdrowie, Iwona Schymalla's guest is Professor Witold Rongies, provincial consultant in physiotherapy, head of the...
We asked Michal Dzięgielewski, director of the Treatment Department at the Ministry of Health, about the prospects for the development of medical robotics in Poland.
Hypothyroidism in Hashimoto's diseaseHypothyroidism is one of the most common hormonal problems in the world, and Hashimoto's disease is one of its main causes. Modern medicine offers us various treatments for hypothyroidism, including pharmacotherapy - thyroid hormones and also dietary changes....
- Today we attribute all the symptoms, all the ills of our lives to Hashimoto's disease, while the reality is different," says Dr. Michal Lis, head of the Department of Internal Medicine, Endocrinology, Diabetology and Nephrology at Czerniakowski Hospital in Warsaw.
Październik, Miesiąc Świadomości Raka Piersi, zbliża się ku końcowi, ale przekaz o znaczeniu profilaktyki i zdrowego stylu życia jest ważny przez cały rok. Dziś przeniesiemy się na chwilę do Narodowego Instytutu Onkologii w Warszawie, gdzie biała sobota była dniem pełnym wiedzy, dobrych emocji i...
- The intellectual, professional part must keep up with the new technology. It is not enough to put a robot in a hospital so that patients can be cared for safely, says Filip Nowak, president of the National Health Fund.
How does modern robotics support doctors in achieving what was previously impossible? What is modern medicine, in which the boundaries between man and machine are blurred? How is the quality and outcomes of urological patients changing in the 21st century? Where will robotic evolution in health...
Interview with Prof. Teresa Jackowska, head of the CMKP Department of Pediatrics and president of the Polish Pediatric Society.
To już trzecia odsłona kampanii edukacyjnej na temat raka piersi „Masz wybór”. Masz wybór, gdy... mówi nam dr Mariola Kosowicz z Poradnii Psychoonkologii NIO-PIB.
Challenges related to the vaccination calendar, the role of artificial intelligence in promoting prophylaxis, health promotion in the office of an occupational physician or the importance of opinion leaders in dialogue with patients online. Such issues were the focus of discussions at the 3rd...
Interview with Elżbieta Piotrowska-Rutkowska, president of the Supreme Pharmaceutical Chamber, conducted during the Vaccine Forum Congress.
- There are areas in health care where the use of new technologies can certainly improve the diagnostic process. Artificial intelligence can, for example, suggest to a doctor which of the patients arriving in the ED with a head injury require urgent referral to the neurology department. However,...
Drinking alcohol during pregnancy is a shameful problem and swept under the rug. Also by doctors. Does the responsibility for the health of the child rest solely with the woman? And what about "drunken sperm"? We discuss the consequences of drinking alcohol during pregnancy with Dr. Ewa...
Na ile jesteśmy zabezpieczeni w nadchodzącym sezonie infekcyjnym? Jakie zmiany systemowe są konieczne, żeby rzeczywiście zabezpieczyć pacjentów, szczególnie tych, znajdujących się w grupach ryzyka? W jakiej jesteśmy w tej chwili sytuacji epidemiologicznej? Czy wyciągnęliśmy wnioski z doświadczeń...
Interview with Prof. Zbigniew Krasinski, head of the Department of Vascular Surgery, Angiology and Phlebology at UMP, president of the Polish Phlebology Society.
Does a breast cancer patient's path through an oncology center have to resemble an obstacle-laden maze. Find out what Jolanta Meller, coordinator of the Oncology I Clinic at the National Cancer Center, advises.
The Laboratory Diagnostics Department of the Mazovian Bródnowski Hospital in Warsaw has received equipment to support the microbiology and genetics laboratory. Five apparatuses donated by the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity Foundation will allow cheaper, faster, more modern and even more...
Medexpress: In your clinic, among other things, you operate on patients with rare diseases, including hypophosphatasia. The disease is associated with tremendous pain. Can this pain be stopped?Prof. Dawid Larysz, head of the Department of Head and Neck Surgery for Children and Adolescents at WSSD...
Medexpress: For years, you have been very dedicated to treating patients with rare diseases. You see how patients' needs are changing with the development of medicine. What does this look like for those affected by hypophosphatasia? How is the picture of their treatment changing?Prof. Zbigniew...
Press briefing by Health Minister Katarzyna Sójka and Deputy Minister Marcin Martyniak on the transfer of funds from the Medical Fund for the expansion of Warsaw hospitals.
Professor Malgorzata Mysliwiec, head of the Department of Pediatrics, Diabetology and Endocrinology at the Medical University of Gdansk, talks about the role of early diagnosis of familial hypercholesterolemia, the problems of detecting the disease and how we can easily remedy it.
Interview with Aleksandra Lewandowska, MD, national consultant in child and adolescent psychiatry, at the Economic Forum in Karpacz.
Interview with Prof. Barbara Radecka, head of the Department of Oncology at the Prof. Tadeusz Koszarowski Oncology Center in Opole and Opole University.
Interview with Prof. Renata Langfort, head of the Department of Pathomorphology at the Tuberculosis and Pulmonary Diseases Institute in Warsaw, president of the board of directors of the Polish Society of Pathologists.
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