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Walenty Zajdel

Vaccinations against COVID-19

MedExpress Team

Walenty Zajdel

Published Oct. 4, 2022 10:59

Vaccinations against COVID-19 - Header image

The minister of health signed an advance purchase agreement for 200 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines for PLN 10 billion. To date, 56.7 million doses have been administered. Currently, there are 25 million doses in the Governmental Agency for Strategic Reserves. For comparison, the UK Health Minister contracted the purchase of 190 million doses for a population of 68 million. Deputy Minister of Health Waldemar Kraska informed that we donated 11 million vaccines free of charge, among others to Montenegro, Georgia, Palestine and Vietnam. It is possible to help other countries, but is it precisely this way?

At the meeting of the Parliamentary Health Committee on...

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