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Disposable e-cigarettes will disappear from stores? Government prepares regulations, politicians call for enforcement of already existing law

MedExpress Team

Piotr Wójcik

Published March 21, 2024 09:24

Disposable e-cigarettes will disappear from stores? Government prepares regulations, politicians call for enforcement of already existing law - Header image
fot. Piotr Wójcik
- A ban on the sale of disposable electronic cigarettes is essential, otherwise we could be stuck with piecemeal solutions that will be circumvented later, Deputy Health Minister Wojciech Konieczny said during a joint meeting of the Senate Health and Environment Committee. Meanwhile, it turns out that in many cases the products are available in stores even though they do not meet the statutory requirements. The problem, therefore, lies not so much in the need to create new regulations, but in respecting those that already exist.

- We are determined and believe that among all tobacco products, these devices are the most harmful. The best example is that countries where they are produced, such as India and China, ban their use. We want to submit relevant solutions for public consultation in the coming weeks," the deputy health minister said.

According to the chairwoman of the Senate Health Committee, Senator Beata Małecka-Libera, legislation banning the sale of disposable e-cigarettes is needed and it is good that it is being created. A huge problem, however, according to her, are the products that are on the market, which are illegal and have containers larger than 2 ml, for example.

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