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Work is a source of stress for us

MedExpress Team


Published April 12, 2024 08:00

Work is a source of stress for us - Header image
Fot. Getty Images/iStockphoto
- It's hard to imagine life without work - unfortunately, for most Poles, it turns out to be a frequent source of stress. More than two-thirds (72%) of employees say they feel work-related stress every week, with nearly one-fifth (19%) facing it every day!

According to a survey by Huawei CBG Poland - 38% of those feeling professional pressure say this state of affairs has persisted for more than six months, and 31% are unable to indicate how long. Long-term stress negatively affects our well-being, leads to lower mood, constant fatigue, insomnia, impaired productivity or professional burnout. Yet 84% of us never measure its level. Such control turns out to be extremely important. Proper analysis through smartwatch functions can help us learn about our reactions and learn to control them. This will consequently improve our health and level of life satisfaction.

As many as 72% of working Poles experience work-related stress every week. Such a dose of nerves can have consequences for our health. Some of the symptoms of chronic stress are insomnia, lowered immunity or heart problems, and even migraines. For almost one-fifth of workers (19%), their profession is a daily source of anxiety, while 33% feel p...

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