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Kielce: Artificial intelligence will ease doctor's workload

MedExpress Team

Piotr Wójcik

Published June 30, 2023 08:49

Kielce: Artificial intelligence will ease doctor's workload - Header image
fot. Politechnika Świętokrzyska
This solution could revolutionize medical visits. Parrot AI, an intelligent physician assistant, is being developed in Kielce. It is expected to relieve medics from performing the tedious administrative tasks of medical interviewing and completing medical records. Artificial intelligence algorithms will also analyze the doctor's statements and thus identify symptoms and disease entities. The assistant will suggest additional tests, as well as issue referrals and prescriptions.

Excessive bureaucracy and administrative duties steal from doctors the time they should be devoting to patients, according to a report compiled by the Warsaw Medical University. The situation is not improved by successive reforms and system changes. As a result - patients feel uninformed as to their health situation, as well as treatment.

- "Intelligent Physician Assistant" is the answer to the ills of our healthcare system. We set ourselves three main goals: to improve patie...

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