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Residents' Agreement: Groups in clinical classes can't be a dozen people. Among other things, it is about the dignity of patients

MedExpress Team

Piotr Wójcik

Published April 12, 2024 10:06

Residents' Agreement: Groups in clinical classes can't be a dozen people. Among other things, it is about the dignity of patients - Header image
fot. iStock
"Clinical classes must be held with respect for the dignity of the patient in groups of no more than 6 people," calls the Residents' Agreement of the All-Poland Physicians' Trade Union. Due to the fact that some of the new medical faculties, according to the PKA's opinion, planned to conduct practical classes with patients in groups of 10 or even 15 people, the PZ created a position paper a month ago calling for the repair of medical education standards. Five experts commented on the document.

- Clinical classes often lead to the formation of master-student relationships between teachers and students. Personally, I remember how important they were to me as a student, and despite the passage of years, I still have in front of my eyes the patients I met in my classes and the teachers who introduced me to the secrets of medicine. Now, being on the other side, my job is to show young medical students what clinical medicine is all about. However, these classes are not only about teaching how to correctly take a history and conduct a physical examination, but also, and perhaps most importantly, about learning the right approach and conversation with the patient, developing sensitivity and empathy - values that shape the attitude of future doctors," says Professor Wojciech Szczeklik, MD, Head of the Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, 5th Military Clinical Hospital with Polyclinic in Krakow.

- Such classes should be held in small groups, optimally not exceeding 4 people. I cannot imagine conducting them in a group of, say, 15 people. In addition to the obvious lack of benefit for learners, this situation is also unacceptable for practical reasons. It is impossible to accommodate such a number of people in the operating room, and it becomes impossible to conduct ...

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