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Physician education: 11 universities with a negative opinion from the Polish Accreditation Commission. So what?

MedExpress Team

Published Nov. 10, 2023 10:40

Physician education: 11 universities with a negative opinion from the Polish Accreditation Commission. So what? - Header image
The establishment of an increasing number of medical faculties in Poland was supposed to be a way for the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education and Science to fill personnel shortages in health care. However, as representatives of the local government have long pointed out, the quality offered at the newly established medical faculties will not be a lifesaver in protecting the system, but a threat to patients' health. 
What is particularly affecting the medical community now are newly established medical faculties at universities that are not prepared to run them, as evidenced by the fact that as many as 11 universities have received a negative opinion from the Polish Accreditation Commission in the context of running a medical faculty," notes Damian Patecki, chairman of the Supreme Medical Council's Commission on Medical Education. 

The quality of education is an issue that the doctors' and dentists' self-government has always been striving for. Hence, the list of tasks for urgent implementation for Health Minister Katarzyna Sójka could not miss the d...

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