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Changing the financial plan of the National Health Fund. What will the extra money be spent on?

MedExpress Team


Published March 23, 2022 15:41

Changing the financial plan of the National Health Fund. What will the extra money be spent on? - Header image
Fot. Getty Images/iStockphoto
The Health Committee gave a positive opinion on the change in the financial plan of the National Health Fund. 17 voted for, 1 against, and 7 abstained. The NHF budget will increase by PLN 9.1 billion, which will be entirely allocated to health services.

The largest increase in expenditure, in terms of amounts, will apply to hospital treatment - by PLN 5.18 billion. The Fund will spend PLN 2.08 billion more on outpatient specialist care (AOS) than originally planned - and this is the largest percentage increase. Outlays for POZ will increase by PLN 436.6 million.

This is the first amendment to the plan adopted in July last year, and its scale results mainly from the adoption of amendments to the tax laws (Polish Order), which ...

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