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Małgorzata Solecka: Hospitals will get more money for pay rises, but ...

MedExpress Team

Małgorzata Solecka

Published Aug. 10, 2022 08:00

Małgorzata Solecka: Hospitals will get more money for pay rises, but ... - Header image

PLN 350 million - this is the amount to go to hospitals, mainly poviat ones, in connection with signals that entities lack money to pay increases resulting from the act on minimum wages. Employees should receive higher salaries on Wednesday, August 10, but some institutions plan to pay for July in two installments: on August 10 - the "old" amount, in the second half of the month - compensation.

On Tuesday, AOTMiT organized an extraordinary press conference, during which a recovery plan was presented, i.e. decisions that are to help settle liabilities towards employees. The most important message that wa...

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