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NIL: "No" to long-term antibiotic therapy in Lyme disease

MedExpress Team

Piotr Wójcik

Published July 26, 2023 11:14

NIL: "No" to long-term antibiotic therapy in Lyme disease - Header image
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The NIL Board of Experts has issued a position statement opposing the use of long-term antibiotic therapy for patients diagnosed with Lyme disease, known as the "ILADS" method. As the Chamber points out, this therapy has insufficient clinical basis and is associated with many side effects.

In its position, the NIL Expert Council stresses that all recommendations for chronic treatment with the "ILADS" method are developed on the basis of very low-quality medical evidence. The Expert Council negatively assesses the "ILADS" method itself and warns against its use, which contradicts ethics and the legal obligation to practice medicine in accordance with the indications of current medical knowledge.

"Antibiotics in infectious diseases should be used with due caution and only in accordance with the treatment guidelines for the disease entity in question. An example of this is the association of a variety of non-specific symptoms in individual patients with the presence of antibodies (both IgM and IgG classes) to Borrelia antigens and the attribution of these symptoms to Lyme disease infection without expanded diagnostics and confirmation of the diagnosis. Such behavior can lead to a hasty overdiagnosis of Lyme disease cases and reduces the diagnostic vigilance necessary to diagnose other disease entities, often requiring completely different treatment," the position statement reads.

A corollary to this approach is the use of combination, long-term (more than 6 weeks, often more than one year) antibiotic therapy in patients who have been diagnosed with Lyme disease. This therapy is often referred to as the "ILADS method," the basis...

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