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Lukasz Jankowski: The Minister of Health did not pass the test

MedExpress Team

Piotr Wójcik

Published Oct. 16, 2023 08:44

Lukasz Jankowski: The Minister of Health did not pass the test - Header image
fot. MZ
- The seven NILs invariably require implementation. Our willingness to cooperate, materials provided and information on the most pressing problems of health care have not been used. This short, but still giving the opportunity to implement these demands, time of Minister Sójka's activity we evaluate simply negatively," assesses the actions of the Minister of Health, President of the Supreme Medical Council Lukasz Jankowski.

The so-called NIL Seven are changes to be implemented in health care, which, in the opinion of the Medical Association, require special attention and immediate response. The chamber demanded the following measures. Below is a list of them, along with NIL's comments:

Abolish unlawfully imposed limits on prescriptions issued by doctors. Urgently set standards for teleprescribing preventing the operation of so-called prescribing machines.

  • A team of experts representing all circles including pharmacists and doctors has been formed at the ministry to develop new, transparent and simple rules for prescribing and filling prescriptions for all stakeholders in the system, especially patients.
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