- We should first address the problems of the environment, the solution of which requires parliamentary work. The most urgent challenges concern adults with autism and intellectual disabilities," said Malgorzata Rybicka, chairwoman of the Autism-Poland Agreement, during the first meeting of the...
Election of the presidium; 2. Group work plan. Meeting with the participation of NGOs.
"I have taken the decision to urgently establish a helpline for Polish Army soldiers at the Ministry of Defense. There will be assistance, advice and comprehensive support, including psychological support for those who will need it. Such action is extremely important to me," Deputy Prime Minister...
In Poland, there is a presumption of a deceased person's consent to the donation of their cells, tissues and organs. Given the accepted practice of talking to the family of a deceased person, it might be advisable - given the low public awareness of transplantation - to legally regulate the...
What about the patients?
The GrowSPACE Foundation is publishing data on child and adolescent suicide crises in 2023 for the second year in a row. The data comes from 17 public information requests to provincial police headquarters.
According to the latest CSO report on the situation of the elderly in Poland in 2022, the number of people aged 60 and over will reach 9.8 million, up 0.7% from the previous year. The largest age group among our country's seniors is already 65-69 years old. Women predominate among the elderly,...
Starting in January, the National Health Fund increased funding for the seminogram, or semen test. This is crucial in the diagnosis of male infertility. In Poland, the problem of infertility affects up to 1.5 million couples, or one-fifth of the population of reproductive age. Globally, it...
- The Foundation of the Mother and Child Institute (FIMiD), responding to the health challenges of caring for refugee families from Ukraine, in conjunction with UNICEF, is conducting an educational campaign called "Say YES to vaccinations." The initiative focuses on promoting immunization among...
A fertility problem can be diagnosed on either the male or female side, or in both partners. Therefore, equal access to male and female infertility diagnosis is essential. The National Health Fund has changed the way it funds one of the basic tests for male infertility - the seminogram - as of...
- Warsaw does not stand out negatively in terms of light pollution among other large cities in Poland, says Maria Wasiak, secretary of the City of Warsaw. This is in response to the Ombudsman's doubts about the effectiveness of the city authorities' ideas on reducing artificial light in public...
- Minister Izabela Leszczyna has decided that the availability of therapy for people on the autism spectrum will remain at 2023 levels, Damian Kuraś, a spokesman for the Health Ministry, announced Thursday. This is in response to concerns stemming from an order by the president of the National...
Health Minister Izabela Leszczyna has intervened with the National Health Fund over counseling for people on the autism spectrum, Prime Minister Donald Tusk told a press conference on Wednesday. At issue is an order that went into effect at the beginning of the year. According to it, the number...
- We are forced to reduce access to services funded by the National Health Fund. Our accessibility is being reduced by one-third," reports the Association of Parents of Disabled Children Dwarf, which operates an Autism Clinic, Rehabilitation Center and Therapeutic Kindergarten, in a social media...
Illnesses also occur during holidays, on holidays or at night. We should seek help from the nearest night and holiday health care facility. There is no regionalization.
Christmas is undoubtedly a special time, but in the flurry of duties and preparations we don't quite get the magic of it. We can relax in a variety of ways, but there are a few tried-and-true and universal tips to help us spend these festive days better. We recommend a short 2023 guide prepared...
The PFRON program "Rental of Assistive Technology for People with Disabilities" was intended to make it easier for people with disabilities to access specialized equipment. It was supposed to be a good...
In connection with the disclosure of the personal data of the ICU patient and the complainant, the RPO has applied to the president of the Data Protection Authority and the director of the Regional Specialized Hospital.
Jeszcze nie tak dawno dbałość społeczeństwa koncentrowała się na zdrowiu fizycznym, sferę psychiczną pozostawiając w cieniu. Na szczęście dziś zauważyć można pozytywną zmianę w świadomości społeczeństwa w tym zakresie, które znacznie bardziej zdaje sobie sprawę z istoty zdrowia psychicznego i...
Christmas is a special time for many people. They are associated with warmth, safety, joy and love. It is a time filled with an atmosphere of closeness. The presence of family and friends is extremely important during this period, but when someone is missing from this closest circle, there is a...
On December 6, as announced by the Ministry of Health, vaccination against the new variant of SARS-CoV-2 will start. One could already register for two days, although there was no shortage of technical errors on the first day. One should be careful, if one uses e-registration or enrolls via IKP,...
The Mukobohaterowie Foundation has turned to the RPO regarding access to medicines for people with cystic fibrosis. At issue is an announcement by the Ministry of Health, according to which some drugs used in the treatment of cystic fibrosis are not financed under emergency access to drug...
This year, the Forum of Palliative Medicine, organized by the Polish Society of Palliative Medicine, was held for the 8th time. During the debate, experts discussed the abolition of capping of palliative and hospice care services, the situation of hospices run by non-governmental organizations,...
Modern medicine has many specialties. One of them is hematology, which specializes in the hematopoietic system and diseases related to it. Blood plays an extremely important role in the human body, as it nourishes organs and has a major impact on the immune system. In this article we will answer...
The term of the current ombudsman ends on December 14 - there is enough time for the Sejm's choice to be confirmed by the Senate.
- In the case of preventive examinations, mammography and cytology, we are again dealing with dualism very characteristic of the Ministry of Health and the National Health Fund. The assumptions are good, but they don't stand up to a clash with reality," says the president of the Regional Medical...
The results of medical tests of tens of thousands of Polish women and men have been exposed by hackers, reports trustanatrzeciastrona.pl. Hackers broke into the website of one of Poland's largest medical laboratory networks.
The Patient Ombudsman has appointed more experts to the Medical Event Compensation Fund Benefits Team. The group already includes nearly 70 people. A questionnaire has also been launched on the Ombudsman's website to help check whether compensation can be expected in a given case.
The Ombudsman's Office received a complaint about the unavailability of flu vaccine. The woman reporting it could not get a second dose of the product after vaccinating her child with the first dose. The Ombudsman is intervening with the Ministry of Health.
The information and education activities of public authorities in the fight against the phenomenon of "childgrooming" appear to be insufficient, according to the Ombudsman. According to research, gaining a child's trust through the Internet for the purpose of sexual exploitation is becoming a...
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