- Nicotine-free products are dangerous because they lead children into addiction," says Dr. Magdalena Cedzyńska, psychologist and head of the Smoking Help Clinic at the Maria Sklodowska-Curie National Institute of Oncology - National Research Institute. In the public debate, the greatest emphasis...
During the summer months, the number of infections and food poisoning increases. This is associated with easier spoilage of food in hot weather, as well as the operation of seasonal "small catering" outlets. Supervision of them is one of the primary tasks of the State Sanitary Inspectorate.
Menus for patients were arranged with the help of qualified nutritionists, but irregularities were also found. Which ones?
Patient Ombudsman Bartlomiej Chmielowiec has issued the first decisions under the Medical Events Compensation Fund. Two of the decisions are related to patients who suffered injuries, and three more are related to the death of a patient.
Elzbieta Markowska has become president of the Board of Directors of the Polish Coalition of Oncology Patients Foundation. The election was made at the Foundation Board meeting on June 16, 2024. Elżbieta Markowska replaced Krystyna Wechmann as president of PKPO.
Pregnancy is a special time in every woman's life. To make it safe and peaceful it is worth performing prenatal tests, which play a key role in monitoring the health of both mother and child. As of June 5, 2024, the conditions for including pregnant women in prenatal diagnostics under the...
The bathing season in Poland began on June 1 and will last until September 30. The quality of bathing water is tested by the State Sanitary Inspectorate. Where to check the results?
The National Health Fund has published a map of pharmacies that want to join a pilot program under which pharmacists will provide a service for dispensing emergency contraception. As of Friday, 770 pharmacies had submitted applications.
The Draft Regulation of the Minister of Health amending the Regulation on the pilot program "Prevention 40 PLUS" has been submitted for consultation.
Interview with Deputy Minister of Health Wojciech Konieczny, conducted during the 8th Patient Empowerment Congress.
The Patient Ombudsman has imposed the first penalty regarding treatment of Lyme disease according to ILADS guidelines.
W związku z gwałtownym starzeniem się społeczeństwa opiekunowie seniorów będą niedługo pożądani na rynku pracy tak samo jak dziś księgowe, pracownicy budowlani, kierowcy czy specjaliści AI. W ciągu najbliższych 30 lat liczba osób powyżej 65. roku życia w Europie wzrośnie o 38 % – do 129,8 mln...
Although it has been known for 2,000 years and is more common than breast or lung cancer, it remains one of the most elusive and most common chronic autoimmune diseases with a genetic basis. Undiagnosed and untreated, it can lead to disorders of virtually every system in the body: osteoporosis,...
Administrative proceedings have been initiated against the Municipal Police Chief in Krakow over a violation of personal data protection involving the release of an individual's personal data in a press release, the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection informed the RPO.
On the occasion of International Women's Day, the Ombudsman addressed speeches to Education Minister Barbara Nowacka and Health Minister Izabela Leszczyna regarding so-called menstrual poverty.
Fundusz Kompensacyjny Szczepień Ochronny działa od 2022 roku. Do tej pory środki wypłacono 253 pacjentom, którzy doznali poważnych działań niepożądanych. W całym 2023 roku przyznano łącznie 1,15 mln zł odszkodowań. Z kolei od początku tego roku wydano już 59 decyzji, w tym przyznając ponad 560...
Cold, abdominal pain, fever. Illness does not choose. We may feel worse during the long May weekend. Where can we find medical help?
And they appeal: Don't let it be an almayday. In theory, May Day begins on May 1, but this year the layout of the calendar means that by taking three days off we can have up to nine days to rest from our professional obligations. If we use this time for relaxation and physical activity it will...
A sub-site of the Elder Project Foundation, focused on the Elder Abuse Risk Assessment Form (FORP) and the fundamental goal of improving the quality of life of seniors and preventing violence against them, is being launched. Adequate education, effective tools and pathways, as well as...
Sąd po raz kolejny potwierdza stanowisko Rzecznika Praw Pacjenta – ograniczenie odwiedzin pacjentów w szpitalach tylko na podstawie przepisów prawa.
Chodzi o usługi, które NFZ oferuje w Salach Obsługi Klientów w Oddziałach Wojewódzkich NFZ oraz na bezpłatnej i całodobowej infolinii 800 190 590.
Persons receiving health services provided by a psychiatric hospital have the right to assistance in protecting their rights. Legal representatives, legal and factual guardians also have this right. The Patient Ombudsman explains what powers are available to Psychiatric Hospital Patient Ombudsmen.
As the Ombudsman points out, worldview changes are taking place in the younger generation, with more and more students opting for various types of meat-free diets. Signals reaching the Ombudsman indicate that they are encountering problems in enjoying wholesome meatless meals in educational...
Safe food, or how? The Chief Sanitary Inspector explains that safe food is food that will not cause harm or danger to the health of the consumer. Therefore, food operators (e.g., farmers, entrepreneurs, shopkeepers) must ensure appropriate conditions at all stages of its production and...
They phish for personal information and debit or credit card numbers.
Patients of primary care - regardless of whether they live in a large city or small town - gain the support of a coordinator, wider access to diagnostic tests. The pool of additional tests under coordinated care allows family medicine specialists to make full use of their knowledge and...
In 2023, more than 7,000 children benefited from spa treatment, and the Fund paid PLN 35.4 million for the services provided, the National Health Fund reports. Spa treatment is a continuation of treatment that began in a hospital or outpatient clinic.
The Council of Patients' Organizations under the Minister of Health has supported the demands of the Presidium of the Supreme Medical Council and the Presidium of the Supreme Council of Nurses and Midwives to change the rules of medical personnel liability.
The Ombudsman has written to Minister Izabela Leszczyna and hopes that the problem will be eliminated in the course of work on the new regulation of blood donation and bloodletting.
Recently, there has been more and more talk about mental health in Poland, and people struggling with illnesses such as depression or schizophrenia are getting better help. However, there are still many areas in need of education and systemic or organizational changes. One of these is bipolar...
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