The Ombudsman has written to Minister Izabela Leszczyna and hopes that the problem will be eliminated in the course of work on the new regulation of blood donation and bloodletting.
Recently, there has been more and more talk about mental health in Poland, and people struggling with illnesses such as depression or schizophrenia are getting better help. However, there are still many areas in need of education and systemic or organizational changes. One of these is bipolar...
Elements of health literacy will be included in the new core curriculum for the subject of family education, which will take effect at the start of the 2025/2026 school year, one of the messages heard by the Permanent Subcommittee on Public Health last week.
Litigation costs higher than the amount of compensation awarded for violation of patient rights. What was the case about?
Organized under the auspices of the United Nations, it falls on March 21, the first day of spring. It aims to promote the rights of people with Down Syndrome to full participation in society, health care and rehabilitation.
To problem, który dotyczy grupy około 1,5 tysiąca polskich pacjentów. W większości bardzo młodych. Rzadkie zespoły padaczkowe wywracają do góry nogami życie całych rodzin. Problemem są nie tylko oporne na leczenie napady, ale często też zaburzenia intelektualne małych pacjentów. Wyzwaniem jest...
An interview with Prof. Jack Grzybowski, head of the Cardiomyopathy Unit at the National Institute of Cardiology.
The Patient Ombudsman is encouraging the use of an online search engine for gynecological offices dedicated to people with disabilities. The search engine was created as part of a project implemented by the Kulawa Warszawa Foundation and is an important aid for patients in their search for...
Lack of telephone contact with a medical facility, inability to make a same-day appointment or refusal to sign up with a doctor. - These are the most common complaints we receive," informs Agnieszka Białas-Sitarska, spokesperson for the Świętokrzyskie Branch of the NFZ in Kielce.
The Minister of Family, Labor and Social Policy is asked by the ROP about measures to implement more projects leading to an effective increase in the number of women returning to work after childbirth.
Speech difficulties affect many people around the world. On the 6th of March, the European Day of the Speech Therapist is celebrated. This year it is to draw attention to the cooperation of speech therapists with other specialists. This profession is most often associated with beautiful...
More than 65 percent of Poles believe that emergency contraception should be available without a prescription, although one in four of us favor its availability only to women of legal age. More supporters, however, are, all together, for the option of not introducing any age restrictions,...
The Ombudsman asks Health Minister Izabela Leszczyna when all points of the Plan are expected to be implemented.
The need to create space for the renegotiation of milestones related to the implementation of the National Oncology Network project is the main demand of the letter sent by the President of the Board of Directors of the National Federation of Oncology Dorota Korycinska to the President of the...
An interview with Anna Kupiecka, president of the OnkoCafe Foundation.
As of January 1, 2023, health services can be provided to convicts remotely. Deputy Ombudsman Wojciech Brzozowski is asking the Prison Service how it has organized the provision of these services, including whether they are possible in all penitentiary units.
When is a patient entitled to free sanitary transport? What is long-distance transport in POZ and does the emergency medical team provide sanitary transport services? Answers to these questions can be found in the Patient Navigator provided by the Patient Ombudsman.
Caring for a loved one who suddenly loses independence - due to age or chronic illness - is a major challenge, requiring the patient's caregiver to be physically and mentally resilient, to make an effort, and often to reorganize his or her existing life. Magdalena Frąckowiak, a psychologist at...
When a smile hides deep pain. Depression is becoming a serious disease of civilizationFebruary 23 marks World Depression Day. On this day, the goal is to raise awareness of mental disorders in society, promoting knowledge of the symptoms of the disease, appropriate responses and possible...
Małgorzata Pacholec, founder of the Retina AMD Association Poland, talks about the challenges of retinal diseases.
Recipients of social services need more services in the community, but they value 24-hour facilities and do not want to cut back. Institutions have the potential to expand services in the community, but they face enormous organizational challenges and are afraid of change. Local governments...
Patient organizations and the Economic Chamber "Farmacja Polska" want to ban the sale of disposable e-cigarettes and are appealing to the Health Ministry on this issue. We talk about it with Irena Rej, president of the Economic Chamber "Farmacja Polska".
- The fact that prenatal tests were not available to the extent that medicine offers them was a bad situation. Knowledge harms no one, especially medical knowledge," said Deputy Health Minister Wojciech Konieczny in an interview with Polish Radio Program 1. He thus referred to the issue related...
As part of the XVIII Forum of Patients' Organizations (FOP), a report was presented "POLKI AND POLITICIANS, AND DISEASES AND HEALTH," which was produced in cooperation between the Sociomedical Research Center and the Institute for Patients' Rights and Health Education. The survey asked about...
In the European Union, there are an estimated 3.3 million cases of minor ailments per day. Those that patients can, or at least could, handle on their own. In an era of staffing crisis - a phenomenon occurring globally - responsible self-medication is a necessity, bringing powerful benefits to...
Registration of ophthalmology offices and clinics for the 8th edition of the "Polish Ophthalmologists vs. Glaucoma" campaign has started. Registration of establishments lasts until March 1. This is a great opportunity to promote your offices.
Dexcom, a global leader in real-time continuous glucose monitoring (rtCGM) systems for people with diabetes, today announced the launch of its newest rtCGM system, the Dexcom ONE+. The system is available in Poland, Spain and Belgium as of today, and will soon be released in other countries as well.
- Senior age is special in that the body always functions less well as the years go by, and diabetes accelerates those processes that normally take place in aging. It can be said that a patient with diabetes ages twice as fast, as long as he is treated poorly. If he is well managed and follows...
Over the past few years, the world has been grappling with the COVID-19 pandemic, which has affected not only physical but also mental health. This has been particularly evident in the adolescent population, where the need for psychological and psychiatric help has recently increased by 30 percent.
The Supreme Medical Council asks the Prime Minister to take comprehensive organizational, financial and legal measures to increase the availability of anesthesia during childbirth.
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