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The number of counseling sessions for people on the autism spectrum will drop, clinics warn. This is a result of the order of the president of the National Health Fund

MedExpress Team

Piotr Wójcik

Published Jan. 3, 2024 12:19

The number of counseling sessions for people on the autism spectrum will drop, clinics warn. This is a result of the order of the president of the National Health Fund - Header image
- We are forced to reduce access to services funded by the National Health Fund. Our accessibility is being reduced by one-third," reports the Association of Parents of Disabled Children Dwarf, which operates an Autism Clinic, Rehabilitation Center and Therapeutic Kindergarten, in a social media post.

As indicated by the clinics, this is a result of the entry into force of the order of the President of the National Health Fund on defining the conditions for entering into and carrying out contracts for the provision of health care services in the type of psychiatric care and addiction treatment. There are also provisions relating to services provided in autism clinics. In the catalog of the scope of services, we find information from which it follows t...

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