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Futile therapy: Guarding the dignity of the patient

MedExpress Team


Published April 26, 2023 08:29

Futile therapy: Guarding the dignity of the patient - Header image
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A Working Group of the Society of Internal Medicine has prepared guidelines for preventing futile therapy in adult patients dying in the hospital. The medical association is speaking out on the issue.

NIL supports the position of the Society of Polish Internists on futile therapy. - As soon as I became familiar with the position of the Society of Polish Internists Working Group at the time, I was wholeheartedly in favor of its adoption. I had the pleasure, on behalf of the Supreme Medical Council, of reviewing it. I am impressed with the work that the authors of these guidelines have done. It is an invaluable voice in the discussion of futile therapy and the issue of the end of life," says Damian Patecki, M.D., an anesthesiologist and chairman of the NRL Education Committee.

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