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"Health Services

Someday we will be surprised at how we treated the

MedExpress Team

Justyna Grzechocińska

Published Oct. 17, 2023 14:03

Someday we will be surprised at how we treated the - Header image
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That health care systems in most countries are inefficient is no secret, nor does it need to be explained to anyone associated with health care. Today, managers try to manage hospitals to the best of their ability, navigating within a pre-imposed organizational and legal framework, and unfortunately miss opportunities that are already available in other industries and which make them much more efficient than health care.

First and foremost, a paradigm shift is required, with more data-driven decision-making focused on automating simple processes, such as redesigning the traditional patient service pathway, introducing digital processes where possible. But the hospital of the future also requires cultural change. Resistance is a natural part of innovation. That's why cultural transformation in digitization is a milestone that every healthcare provider, healthcare system employee and patient will have to go through over time. Health care of the future...

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