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Laboratory diagnostics: The Ministry of Health extends the catalog of persons performing tests in the field of transfusion immunology on their own

MedExpress Team


Published Dec. 13, 2022 08:26

Laboratory diagnostics: The Ministry of Health extends the catalog of persons performing tests in the field of transfusion immunology on their own - Header image
Fot. Getty Images/iStockphoto
The Draft Ordinance of the Minister of Health amending the Ordinance on treatment with blood and its components in medical entities performing medical activities such as stationary and 24-hour health services was submitted for consultation.

According to the current wording of § 13 of the Regulation of the Minister of Health of October 16, 2017 on treatment with blood and blood components in medical entities performing medical activities such as stationary and 24-hour health services, recipients of blood or its components are obligatorily hospitalized and monitored for 24 hours after transfusion. The above is often not justified, it is impractical and increases the occupancy of hospital wards transfusing blood and its ...

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