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MZ: New birth card template

MedExpress Team

Published Nov. 7, 2023 09:34

MZ: New birth card template - Header image

On January 1, 2024, the Decree of the Minister of Health of July 15, 2021, on the models of the birth card and the stillbirth card (Journal of Laws, item 1421, as amended), in which the models of the birth card and the stillbirth card are specified, taking into account the scope of the data listed respectively in Article 144 (1) and (2) of the Law of November 28, 2014, shall expire. - Law on Civil Status Records, hereinafter referred to as the "Law".

Therefore, it is necessary to determine new models for the birth card and stillbirth card, which will be effective from January 1, 2024, and will comply with the provisions of the law.

The existing regulation, which is tra...

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