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Prof. Marek Rękas: we can already treat AMD and DME at four-month intervals

MedExpress Team

Piotr Wójcik

Published Jan. 4, 2024 13:35

Prof. Marek Rękas: we can already treat AMD and DME at four-month intervals - Header image
Interview with Prof. Marek Rękas, national consultant for ophthalmology

Professor, how has the B.70 drug program changed from January 1, 2024, and how does this program change the new substances introduced for patients and also new provisions.

The drug program we are talking about is the largest drug program of the National Health Fund. At the moment, for age-related macular degeneration, we treat about 40,000 patients, and for DME, or diabetic macular edema, about 9,000 patients. The fact that such a number of patients are being treated raises a problem in the system. We treat with injections of the drug i...

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DME / farycymab / AMD

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