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World Prematurity Day at the Holy Family Specialized Hospital

MedExpress Team


Published Nov. 20, 2023 10:57

World Prematurity Day at the Holy Family Specialized Hospital - Header image
fot. Szpital św. Rodziny
St. Family Specialized Hospital celebrated World Prematurity Day (17.11.) with children born prematurely at the facility. They were accompanied by their families, medical staff involved in the process of caring for premature babies and Warsaw Deputy Mayor Renata Kaznowska.

Each year, more than 7 percent of premature babies are born in Poland. However, medicine is providing more and more opportunities to save the lives of the smallest babies born prematurely. Over the past five years, nearly 1,200 premature babies have received care at the hospital's Prematurity and Neonatal Intensive Car...

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