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The first Polish recommendations for the management of adolescent pregnancy have been created

MedExpress Team


Published May 16, 2023 12:36

The first Polish recommendations for the management of adolescent pregnancy have been created - Header image
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Polish PTGiP experts have created the latest recommendations for the management of adolescent pregnancy. They were developed by a group of more than a dozen specialists led by Prof. Agnieszka Drosdzol-Cop, head of the Child and Girl Gynecology Subdepartment at the Hospital of the Order of Brothers Hospitals of the Guardian Angels in Katowice, the only such department in Poland, and the Department of Gynecology, Obstetrics and Gynecologic Oncology of the Silesian Medical University in Katowice.

Nowe rekomendacje to kompendium wiedzy dla lekarzy z Polski, którzy prowadząc takie ciąże mogą skorzystać z wiedzy bardziej doświadczonych kolegów. Wcześniej w Polsce takich rekomendacji nie było, a lekarze z całego świata (także z Polski) opierali się na materiałach kanadyjskich. Teraz mogą korzystać z aktualnych i bogatszych doświadczeń polskich specjalistów.

The purpose of the recommendation is to present the current state of knowledge on adolescent pregnancy based on the authors' experie...

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