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What about medical care for refugees? The Zielona Góra Agreement scores points for the government

MedExpress Team


Published March 17, 2022 08:14

What about medical care for refugees? The Zielona Góra Agreement scores points for the government - Header image
Fot. Getty Images/iStockphoto
Contrary to the government's assurances, in the light of the regulations, refugees in Poland can count - at the health care level - only on emergency aid. Doctors also have no grounds to issue prescriptions with a reimbursement or to vaccinate under the PSO.

- If a refugee from Ukraine comes to a primary health care physician with a blood glucose level of 500 mg/dl, we must send him elsewhere, because prescribing drugs will be a financial disaster for him. We can give him a drip, rehydrate him a little, apply what we have at the practice level ad hoc, but systematic treatment is not an option. Naturally, all patients in a worse condition go to HEDs and hospitals, which is absolutely unnecessary. The regulations are needed immediately, because the system is about to get clogged - warned Jacek Krajewski, president of the Fe...

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