26-27/04/2022 Congress PATIENT EMPOWERMENT Patient eXperience Debates with patient organizations Workshops Exhibition space, or Second Space Patient eXperience session The Institute of Health Communication invites you to VI Patient Empowerment Congress . As every year, during this meeting, we...
The importance of personalizing and adjusting treatment to the needs and expectations of patients with intestinal diseases, as well as their experiences in the era of pandemics and crisis situations, was discussed during the 1st European forum by representatives of Polish and European patient...
It is a dangerous disease that affects over 2 million people in Poland. It is asymptomatic until the bone is broken.
In Journal of Laws The Ministry of Health published the Order of the Minister of Health of March 16, 2022 on the appointment of the Patient Organization Council at the minister competent for health.
According to the British Minister of Health, a group of Ukrainian children came to Great Britain to continue oncological treatment.
In connection with the armed conflict on the territory of Ukraine, the doctors of the Healthcare Employers' Alliance declared cooperation with local authorities of local self-government: cities, counties and communes dealing with war refugees. In order to improve assistance to Ukrainian citizens...
The reimbursement of each innovative drug for patients is a hope of defeating cancer, extending life and its better quality. There are as many as 8 such drugs on the March list!
What are the most important aspects of a kidney friendly diet? How to create a nutritional plan tailored to the stage of the disease? What guidelines should be followed in the daily planning of meals? Answers to these and other questions can be found in the guide "Diet in kidney diseases before...
As of today, people suffering from thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) have a common space. The TTP Support Group was created by and for patients and their relatives. The main goal of the group is to exchange information, expand knowledge about the disease, modern treatment, improve the...
An accident on a ski slope and your teeth. How to protect yourself against injuries? Even seemingly harmless injuries, after which we do not feel pain or visible damage to the crown, require diagnostics because they could have damaged the tooth structure. Therefore, each impacted tooth should be...
The draft ordinance of the Minister of Health amending the ordinance on guaranteed benefits in the field of health programs was submitted for consultation.
Today's teens have much larger breasts than their mothers and grandmothers when they were their age. The causes of gigantomastia are unknown and new theories are constantly emerging.
The National Health Fund, together with the Ministry of Health, launched a pilot program for children addicted to new digital technologies. In 10 specialized centers, the youngest and their families will receive professional psychological help free of charge. According to the data of the Office...
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