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Vaccination in the spotlight of GIS

MedExpress Team


Opublikowano 18 grudnia 2024 08:53

Vaccination in the spotlight of GIS - Obrazek nagłówka
fot. GIS
- The current surveillance system is outdated," Dr. Pawel Grzesiowski, Chief Sanitary Inspector, said at Tuesday's press briefing, referring to the Supreme Audit Office's report on the implementation of mandatory immunization of children and adolescents. The inspectors showed many deficiencies in the current vaccination system.

The Chief Sanitary Inspector stressed that currently the immunization system is based on paper records kept at vaccination centers. As the NIK audit showed, vaccination centers report incomplete data on immunization status, which makes the statistics of the State Sanitary Inspectorate incomplete. In addition, the current system does not provide real-time verification of which child has received which immunizations.

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