Women's Day is the time to give a gift to ourselves, our mother, sister or friend. We have a hint for anyone who will want to bring joy with a small gift on March 8.
Trends in skin care are constantly changing, with some gaining popularity and others remaining very short-lived. Social media, although have now become an educational platform for those who want to take care of their skin's appearance, they often confuse with an excess of information. In this...
A warm summer in the countryside, a yeast cake is baking in the oven at grandma's house, and the sweet aroma of fruits ripening in the garden is in the air.... Who among us has smelled those carefree moments? Smell and the sensations associated with it play a unique role in our lives. Scents can...
Facial skin is our calling card, so we want it to be healthy and beautiful. Unfortunately, many people struggle with various skin problems, such as acne, blemishes and redness. These imperfections can affect our mood and quality of life. That's why it's important to take care of problem skin from...
Etiology of dandruffMedical data shows that up to 50% of people, at some stage in their lives, will experience dandruff. It manifests as excessive and accelerated scaling of the scalp, which is often also accompanied by itching. Importantly, patients with a tendency to dandruff complain that it...
How to properly style hair to keep the effect straight from the salon? What hair finishing accessories are fashionable this season? The secrets of well-prepared styling are revealed by celebrity hairdresser Bartek Janusz, ambassador of professional hair care and styling at Hebe.
With age, an increase in body weight, including body fat, while decreasing muscle mass and strength is a natural phenomenon. The widespread lack of concern about maintaining a healthy weight after the age of 60 is worrisome, as it is a negative phenomenon for health and quality of life. According...
- Hashimoto's disease is a chronic inflammation of the thyroid gland on an autoimmune basis, which means the body's defensive reaction against its own cells. It leads to atrophy of the gland and the development of hypothyroidism. Hashimoto's disease affects nearly 0.2 of the population, making it...
The face and hands are the parts of the body that are most often uncovered in the winter, and therefore extremely vulnerable to the adverse effects of external factors. They are harmed by frost, wind, central heating and sudden changes in temperature. The face is difficult to hide entirely,...
Every season means different weather, and this weather has a direct impact on the condition of the skin. Winter care should use cosmetics that can protect it from the negative effects of frost, wind, central heating and sudden changes in temperature. The face and hands are the parts of the body...
As many as 40% of Polish women do not know the exact start date of their last period, and 63% do not monitor their cycle at all, a Huawei CBG Poland survey showed. Those surveyed who do keep track often use the support of technology - more than half of them use relevant calendars in smartphone...
● The report, titled "Building a Bridge Over the Chasm to Healthy Eating: International Fruit and Vegetable Consumption Survey, Trends and Attitudes," reveals the latest global perceptions and concerns about daily fruit and vegetable consumption from 32,000 people.● In addition to confusion about...
At the Norblin Factory in Warsaw, a unique immersive Science4Pharma event was held, organized by L'Oreal Dermatological Beauty. It was a unique opportunity to deepen scientific and medical knowledge in the area of dermatological skin care and learn about the latest innovations in research on the...
Pregnancy is an amazing experience for every woman, but after the pregnancy is over, many are left with an unsightly looking abdomen that was left behind after the birth and wonder what to do with it and how to improve its condition? It's worth remembering that getting back to your pre-pregnancy...
Okres jesienno-zimowy to czas, gdy cienka i delikatna skóra dłoni jest szczególnie narażona na przesuszenie i podrażnienie. Wiatr, mróz i wahania temperatur dają o sobie znać w postaci pieczenia, szorstkości i poczucia dyskomfortu, dlatego zwłaszcza teraz warto poświęcić tej części ciała więcej...
Stale rośnie zachorowalność na raka skóry. To choroba cywilizacyjna a dominującym czynnikiem ryzyka jest ekspozycja na promieniowanie słoneczne. Istnieje coraz więcej przesłanek, że skuteczną profilaktyką niektórych nowotworów są zabiegi z zakresu medycyny estetycznej z zakresu usuwania...
On the importance and role of intestinal bacteria in the process of regulating body weight with Dr. Mark Derkacz, an endocrinologist, diabetologist and internal medicine specialist, author of scientific articles on the treatment of obesity, who deals with obesitology on a daily basis - Tomasz...
Autumn can be colorful and healthy, the National Health Fund argues, and recommends a new autumn edition of an e-book with inspiring recipes. The guide features 25 recipes for dishes featuring seasonal fruits and vegetables. The National Health Fund's Diet portal also features a new diet plan -...
Jak co roku przyszła pora zmiany czasu na zimowy. Z 28 na 29 października około jedna czwarta światowej populacji przestawia swoje zegary. I chociaż robimy to od ponad 200 lat, a jesienna zmiana czasu wydaje się przyjemniejsza, bo śpimy o godzinę dłużej, to nasze organizmy nadal się do tego nie...
In September, the State Sanitary Inspectorate completed another nationwide market inspection of biocidal products used to repel and control mosquitoes and ticks (insecticides and repellents).
Do you think nothing will surprise you anymore?
Taking care of personal hygiene may seem like something we take for granted. Washing your body, brushing your teeth or taking care of your hair are elements of your daily routine that we approach without much thought. However, it is worth taking a closer look at them - it turns out that even such...
Sweating is a human thing and the body's natural way of thermoregulation. Unfortunately, its side effects - unpleasant odor, a feeling of freshness or wet spots on clothes - can make life very unpleasant. As part of taking care of hygiene to avoid the discomfort of sweat, we reach for cosmetics...
Dandruff is a common scalp condition, and a troublesome aesthetic problem that affects up to one in two people. Due to the recurring nature of this condition, short-term treatments with specialized anti-dandruff products are worth supporting with a few skin care habits that will help maintain...
A meeting was held at the Supreme Chamber of Physicians to discuss problems in regulating aesthetic medicine. The meeting was a joint initiative of NIL and Senator Agnieszka Gorgoń-Komor, chairwoman of the Parliamentary Group for the Regulation of Aesthetic Medicine.
Beautiful sunny days encourage summer styling, and in them it is often the "uncovered" shoes that play the main role. And this inevitably attracts the eye to the feet... Which will make the feet always look like after a pedicure treatment, even if to the salon, literally, not at all on our way.
If you happen to feel a sense of heaviness, have problems with swollen legs, abdomen or face - you may have a problem with water retention in the body.
Vacations are undoubtedly a time of blissful relaxation that we miss so much. Summer trips allow us to relax and take a breather from our daily responsibilities. However, we must not forget about oral hygiene.
It is estimated that one in five Poles suffers from foot fungus. This common infection, which also affects the nails, can be prevented on your own. It is worth checking out how to avoid the risk of infection and how to deal with it yourself at an early stage.
W dziedzinie estetyki medycznej stale pojawiają się nowe techniki i zabiegi, które mają na celu poprawę wyglądu i odmłodzenie skóry. Jednym z innowacyjnych rozwiązań, które zyskało na popularności w ostatnich latach, są nici PDO pod oczy. Wykorzystując zalety nici z polidokanolu (PDO), ten...
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