Wykorzystanie zaawansowanej technologii trójwymiarowej oraz zaawansowanej animacji do szczegółowego odtworzenia anatomii miednicy oraz przedstawienia procesów porodowych stanowi pionierskie podejście – wyjaśnia Przemysław Jędrusik, kierownik Centrum Kształcenia Zdalnego i Analiz Efektów...
An observational study of a large population of adult cigarette smokers was conducted in the US, with the endpoint being the percentage of people who abstained from smoking for 30 days. Krzysztof Łanda, advisor to Ukraine's health minister, founder of the Watch Health Care Foundation, and former...
W Wielkiej Brytanii przeprowadzono bardzo ciekawe wieloośrodkowe badanie eksperymentalne na oddziałach ratunkowych z udziałem pacjentów, którzy nie wymagali natychmiastowej interwencji medycznej. Dotyczyło prób rzucenia palenia tytoniu. Wyniki badania komentuje Krzysztof Łanda, doradca ministra...
Researchers at the Jagiellonian University have developed the world's first method for quickly recognizing bacteria and fungi in images from light microscopes. The new technology uses deep neural networks and artificial intelligence. Ultimately, it is expected to support the work of laboratory...
An important goal for modern medicine is to be able to store and preserve biological preparations for a long and safe time, especially those for cell therapies that use stem cells.
OXIFlame is poised to become the successor to ECMO. Does the project, co-developed by scientists from the Silesian Medical University, have a worldwide career ahead of it?
Jedzenie w wyznaczonych porach dnia lub tygodnia, czyli post przerywany, cieszy się dużą popularnością. Najnowsze badania wywracają do góry nogami zaufanie co do jego dobroczynnego wpływu na zdrowie.
A team of researchers from the University of Warsaw, led by Professor Jacek Jemielite (CeNT) and Dr. Joanna Kowalska (FUW), in collaboration with a team from the Warsaw Medical University and the UW's spin-off company ExploRNA Therapeutics, has developed a new mRNA modification. According to...
Germany has joined countries where possession and cultivation of a certain amount of cannabis by private individuals will be fully accepted by law as of April first. Does decriminalization make sense from a public health perspective? As scientific research progresses, more and more doubts are...
According to estimates by the International Diabetes Federation, 1 in 10 adults worldwide has diabetes. This is one of the most common diseases of civilization - more than 90 percent of cases are type 2 diabetes. This is a great challenge for health care systems, because current indications are...
Cigarette smoking is a widespread addiction in the world population. Everything has probably been said about the effects of smoking except one, that even several years after quitting, the body still suffers health effects.
In the 20th century, life expectancy increased by almost thirty years. And since then it has remained more or less constant. The fact that it fails to increase at a similar rate despite the achievements of science and medicine puzzles. The riddle that is longevity still remains unsolved.
Loneliness is a silent epidemic of our time. Studies indicate that chronic feelings of loneliness can lead to a number of negative health consequences. For example, a review of studies published by "Holt-Lunstad et al." found that a lack of social relationships increases the risk of premature...
Multiple crippling surgeries, complications such as optic nerve damage, meningitis or brain abscess, painful erosions, difficulty breathing and endless infections, as well as sinus-shattering pain, loss of smell and taste - these are just some of the problems that patients with the most severe...
During autumn and winter, the human body is extremely susceptible to infections and diseases. This is the perfect time to strengthen our immunity. Advertisements in the media shower us with information about supplements that should do wonders for our health. Speaking about supplements and taking...
Dotychczasowe wizjonerskie projekty Elona Muska: Space X i Tesla okazały się sukcesem. Czy implant TELEPATIA będzie kolejnym i zrewolucjonizuje świat medycyny? Przekonamy się o tym zapewne szybciej niż się tego spodziewamy.
It seems that everyone already knows that excessive meat consumption has adverse effects on health. Despite this, its consumption continues to grow worldwide. Based on a number of international studies, it is clear that the change in eating habits that is necessary for health and the climate is...
Consumption of grilled marshmallows can have adverse health effects due to proven carcinogenic and mutagenic effects. The fashion for grilled marshmallows came to us from the US. Scientists warn... And we serve them so often to children with hot chocolate just in winter.
The mystery of the most classic symptom of pregnancy, morning nausea, has finally been solved. Identifying the cause potentially opens up opportunities to create effective treatments that will bring women quick relief.
Patients finally got the most important thing - the attention of the public and authorities. It has reached the public consciousness that kidney disease is like cancer - just as common, just as dangerous, but at the same time easily treatable," says Professor Ryszard Gellert, director of CMKP.
How to prudently plan and shop amidst the numerous Christmas promotions? This is a question many of us are asking ourselves. We are attacked on the one hand by a plethora of attractive-looking promotional offers, and on the other hand, in the back of our minds we have inflation and the associated...
Fatigue, lack of motivation to act, problems with concentration and a general drop in mood are for many a sign that autumn has settled in for good. Days are getting shorter, and the weather outside the window does not encourage walks in the fresh air. It is then worthwhile to reach for natural...
Ks. dr hab. Tadeusz Stanisławski pozostanie w VII kadencji przewodniczącym Polskiej Komisji Akredytacyjnej. Minister Edukacji i Nauki powołał skład PKA na lata 2024-2027. Sprawdzamy, jacy naukowcy związani z medycyną zasiądą w Komisji.
It is estimated that up to one in eight babies in Poland is premature. According to the Central Statistical Office, 306,155 babies were born in 2022, of which 22,510 were premature births, that is, births that occurred before 37 weeks of gestation. Just a dozen years ago, treating newborns born...
Once again, this time the deadline for the Team for Developing Guidelines for Medical Entities on Procedures for Termination of Pregnancy to present guidelines on the subject to the Minister of Health has been extended to January 31. Originally it was to be done by September 12, then the deadline...
IMiD's Department of Oncology has launched Project BUTTERFLY, a non-commercial clinical trial evaluating the efficacy of naxitamab. It is a novel treatment for Ewing's sarcoma. The aim of the study is to improve the diagnosis and treatment of children with refractory and recurrent forms of this...
Chocolate without sucrose, but with vitamin D3 and K2. Possible? By all means. It was patented and the project was defended as part of an implementation doctorate at the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences of the Silesian Medical University in Sosnowiec by Bartosz Blonski, MD. By day, he is the...
Interventional radiologists and maxillofacial surgeons were involved in helping a 7-year-old patient suffering from a giant cell tumor of the left condylar process of the mandible. Doctors preceded the complex surgery with embolization of the tumor's feeding vessels, which greatly increased the...
According to United Nations projections, by 2030 the percentage of Europe's population over 65 will be 23.8%. Older age is considered a major risk factor for both cardiovascular disease and cognitive impairment and dementia. Cognitive disorders are a heterogeneous group of diseases due not only...
More and more people are aware that with the right diet you can influence health both as a preventive measure and in support of various therapies. There is plenty of scientific evidence that what we eat affects the physiology of various organs, including neurodegenerative processes, brain fitness...
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